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Home page / Brewery / Excursions / Malt Production – Malt House

Malt Production – Malt House - Excursions

prohlídka pivovaruKey Words:

Malting Barley – the basic ingredient in malt production

Barley soaking – adding a necessary amout of water to grains to invoke germination

Soaking Vessel – vessels in which a controlled process of grain saoaking is performed

Threshing - floor – a place, where the soaked barley germinates, green malt is generated; enzymatic complexes are activated during the germination

Malt Kilning – a controlled process of green malt drying, when the redundant water is extracted from the grain, which means stopping the enzymatic reactions – with respect to maintaining the enzymatic activity which is necessary in the following processing (digester house)

Kiln – a place, where green malt is being drykilned

Brief Production Process:

While soaking barley in the soaking vessel, the original content of water in the grain is increased. This provides conditions for its germination and thus activation of biocytalyst enzymes. In the next stage of prohlídka pivovaruthe process – germination of the grain on the threshing-floor – the consistence is changed through the action of enzyme complexes – mainly proteolytic, amylolytic, and cytolytic – which are gradually activated in the cereal grains. High–molecular starches and proteins undergo gradual fission. After the end of germination (5 to 7 days), the so called green malt is generated. It is being kilned on the malt kiln with maximum temperature of 80 – 85°C. Through the modified regulation of the temperature increase and moisture decrease, an optimal amount of characteristic colour and aromatic substances is ensured. These substances are necessary in the next production of the wort.

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Bezlepkový ležák Ferdinand získal ocenění Regionální potravina

Pivovar Ferdinand Benešov přišel v červnu s novým druhem piva – bezlepkovým ležákem Premium a už získal první prestižní ocenění.



Na pivovarských slavnostech Ferdinanda




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Nové pivo Ferdinand s přeškrtnutým klasem

Benešovský pivovar Ferdinand si nadělil ke 120. výročí od svého vzniku nový druh piva. Od června zařadí do sortimentu bezlepkové pivo, které je už devátým „bratrem“ v řadě skutečných piv. Je tak třetím tuzemským pivovarem, který vaří pivo bez lepku- glutenu. Výrobek patří do licenčního systému ELS, který je jednotný ve všech evropských zemích.

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